New Moves Coaching Program

Is Heavy Lifting The Only Solution For Menopause Fitness?

heavy lifting resistance training Feb 10, 2024

In recent years, the fitness world has been abuzz with the mantra of heavy lifting as the holy grail for menopausal fitness. Promises of strength, resilience, and the only way to shed those pesky belly fat pounds have been attributed to this form of resistance training, painting it as the magic bullet to combat the challenges of menopause. But is heavy lifting truly the one-size-fits-all solution that it's made out to be?

I want to start off by saying that I LOVE  lifting heavy weights; it’s my favorite way to exercise because it makes me feel good, and I see the results. So I am a huge proponent of it and recommend it to everyone. However, while heavy lifting undeniably offers numerous benefits for menopausal women, it's essential to recognize that it's not the sole path to fitness and well-being. Moreover, it may not be suitable for everyone, especially those who are just embarking on their fitness journey or have specific health considerations. 

Firstly, let's address the allure of heavy lifting. The benefits are undeniable. It promotes bone density, increases muscle mass, enhances metabolic rate, and boosts overall strength and body image. These advantages are very appealing since hormonal changes during menopause can lead to bone loss and muscle weakness, making strength training crucial for maintaining physical function and preventing age-related conditions like osteoporosis. I’m sure you are reading this and saying to yourself, “I want all of those; sign me up.” And if you are, I love that for you!

However, it's crucial to acknowledge that heavy lifting isn't the only form of resistance training available. There's a spectrum of resistance exercises, ranging from bodyweight movements to moderate weightlifting, that can yield significant results. If you are new to resistance training and have injuries or other health limitations, you may find these alternatives more accessible and less intimidating, which can mean the difference between doing something and not doing it. I often find that when people are too intimidated to try something, they may opt not to start at all. I have always loved strength training, so it’s not easy to get me to do it, but I understand that if you’re just starting, all the information out there can be very confusing and overwhelming. It may even make you a little paralyzed and not motivated to start. So, why not start with something less daunting? 

Bodyweight exercises such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks are excellent options for building strength and stability without the need for equipment or heavy weights. These movements engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a comprehensive workout that improves functional fitness and enhances daily activities. Those are just some examples; the options are endless. 

Additionally, resistance bands offer a versatile and portable alternative to traditional weights. They provide varying levels of resistance and can be easily incorporated into workouts targeting different muscle groups. Resistance band exercises are gentle on the joints, making them ideal for individuals with joint pain or arthritis, which can be common during menopause.

Furthermore, emphasizing movement diversity in our fitness routines is key to holistic well-being. While heavy lifting may deliver impressive results in terms of strength and muscle gain, it's essential to balance it with other forms of exercise that promote flexibility, cardiovascular health, and mental well-being. Dive into the movement buffet and try out new things. If you need some ideas, check out my article on that here.  

Moreover, it's vital to recognize that fitness goals are personal and subjective. While some women may aspire to lift heavy weights and set new strength records, others may prioritize functional fitness, mobility, or simply feeling good in their bodies. There's no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness, especially during menopause when individual experiences and needs vary widely.

The pressure to conform to societal ideals of strength and fitness sometimes overshadows the importance of listening to our bodies and honoring our unique journeys. It's essential to cultivate a mindset of self-compassion and self-care, where progress is measured not just by numbers on a scale or weightlifting PRs but by how we feel mentally, emotionally, and physically.

In conclusion, while heavy lifting certainly offers valuable benefits for menopausal women, it's not the be-all and end-all of fitness. Embracing a diverse range of resistance exercises, listening to our bodies, and honoring our individual goals and limitations are all integral to a balanced approach to menopause fitness. Let's celebrate the diversity of our fitness journeys and dare to find what truly works best for us.

Keep moving, keep exploring, and remember that the magic of menopause lies not in conforming to external expectations but in embracing our own unique paths to strength, joy, happiness, and curiosity.

P.S. Share your thoughts and experiences with me! I’m here to support you on this incredible journey.